Writing about First Attempt Using RaspberryPi for educational and informational purposes only. however, do not hesitate to use this information on your own risk as we make no warranty of any kind.
This was my first ever attempt to use Raspberry Pi. I used an old hard drive case to mount the tires and the gears. I Glued a box with the battery and used a hot glue gun to mount the Raspberry Pi. I remotely logged in to the Pi from a PC to run the Java Code Power:
10000 mAh power bank. Wiring:
DuPont cable. Software:
Using the Raspberry Pi Zero W and Java SE code to drive it from my PC over a WiFi connection. Component list of the parts used:
Raspberry Pi Zero W – this is the brain on the robot
Power Supply 10000 mAh power bank.
L293D DC motor driver
2 LEDs
1 DC motors and tires
DuPont cables
All content and information on this web site is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only.